devs that use Mac, Windows or Linux machines: A Chrome OS emulator preview in.
After spending an afternoon at the Shopping Mall annoying the everyone to let me test every Android phone I could find I decided to install the Android SDK on my MB Air running OS X 10.8Īfter some tweaks I managed to set the emulador working, there is plenty of tutorial online on that I couldn’t test my dev sites because I always use hosts and your localhost on the emulator (if using MAMP with port 80 or add the port after the ip egĪs I use a define so I only change one file from dev to production I have a define for my WEB_URL the only question was to change that define: if($_SERVER='10.0.2. Supported Chromebooks can now run a full version of the Android Emulator. Premium Aluminum Eliminated Emulator Adapter Work with Mac Thunderbolt. ARC Welder Pros: Run Android applications on the Chrome browser It works on many operating systems Download ARC Welder.
I was getting some odd bugs with responsive design on some Android phones and need to test it. : Fueran HDMI Pass-Through EDID Emulator for with Video splitters. ARC Welder Emulator is an emulator that runs Android applications directly on Chrome browser and is available on Windows, OS X, and Linux systems.